After working as an electrician and camera assistant for several years, I enrolled in the cinematography class at Filmakademie Vienna where I graduated in 2020. I'm a collaborative person and love to explore new approaches to tell a story visually.
Besides working as a cinematographer, I've gathered experience as a 2nd Unit DOP and camera operator for features and tv- films.
I enjoy working in fiction, docs, commercials and music videos.
Wer wir einmal sein wollten. Feature 2022. D: Özgür Anil | Producers: Saskia Arth & Clara König
Magda fährt Motorrad. Short 2021. D: Lisa Hasenhütl | DoP
Wishlab Inc. Short 2021. D: Samuel Deisenberger |DoP
Das Urteil im Fall K. Short 2020. D: Özgür Anil | DoP
Zufall & Notwendigkeit. Short 2019. D: Nicolas Pindeus | DoP
Schwestern. Short 2019. D: Florian Bayer | DoP
Don Who. Short 2019. D: Nicolas Pindeus | DoP
Music Videos:
Dacid Go8lin - Repeat. Music Video 2020. D: Mark Gerstorfer | DoP
Lemo - Alte Seele. Music Video 2019. D: Florian Pochlatko | DoP
Schönbrunner Gloriettenstürmer - Machtlos. Music Video 2019. D: Florian Bayer | DoP
Features (2nd Unit DOP & Camera Operator)
School of Champions. TV-Series 2023. D: Dominik Hartl & Johanna Moder | Superfilm
Biester. TV-Series 2022. D: Mirjam Unger | MR Film
Das Netz - Prometheus. TV-Series 2021. D: Andreas Prochaska & Daniel Prochaska | MR Film, Endor Prod.
Die Toten vom Bodensee - Unter Wölfen. TV-Feature 2021. D: Christian Theede | Graf Film, Rowboat
Die Toten vom Bodensee - Das zweite Gesicht. TV-Feature 2021. D: Christian Theede | Graf Film, Rowboat
Die Macht der Kränkung. TV Series 2021. D: Umut Dağ | Mona Film
Tatort - Unten. TV-Feature 2020. D: Daniel Prochaska | Superfilm
Das schaurige Haus. Feature 2020. D: Daniel Prochaska | Monafilm
Waidmannsdank. TV-Feature 2020. D: Daniel Prochaska | Monafilm
Die Toten vom Bodensee - Meerjungfrau. TV-Feature 2018. D: Michael Schneider | Graf Film, Rowboat
Die Toten vom Bodensee - Stumpengang. TV-Feature 2018. D: Michael Schneider | Graf Film, Rowboat